Sunday, March 29, 2009

March Merriment

Oh, how this past week flew by!

Joseph had his First dentist appointment last Monday. He has all of his toddler teeth, with his two year molars still making their way in! I decided it was a good time to bring him to the dentist. He'll be comfortable going by starting him early! I had been telling him about the dentist and how she would ask him to open wide and say, "Aaaah!" On the way to the office we talked about how she would clean his teeth and make sure they were healthy.

He was such a cooperative and well-behaved patient! The dental assistant put a pair of giraffe sunglasses on Joseph so he would be wearing glasses (well, goggles) just like her! He was so interested in them that he barely realized when she started cleaning his teeth. After the cleaning (which was all of ten minutes for his little set of teeth!), the dentist followed up and said his teeth looked great and there were no cavities! That's what I love to hear!

Last Wednesday we took a family adventure to a family owned and private petting zoo in Prospect called Henry's Ark. We were greeted in the parking lot by three lamas and a couple donkeys, who all were very excited about the carrots James had in his pocket. One of the llamas sneezed shortly after we got out of the car, which startled Joseph so James carried him for about the first 20 minutes of our visit. Joseph especially loved feeding the swans and ducks pieces of bread. We finished up visit by seeing the camel, albino peacock, deer, and rabbits--which we fed the last of our carrots too. We'll definitely be making many more trips to Henry's Ark this spring and summer!

And, our fun week was wrapped up on Friday when Joseph met Emily for a playdate at Oxmoor Mall's pirate ship. They had a good time sliding down the pirate ship and driving the ice cream truck and bus together. Next time I HAVE to bring the camera!

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