Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Hello Big World!

Back by popular demand and to help fulfill those repeated requests for an update, I offer recent photos and an update!

Chloe is-

taking five or six steps independently (photos forthcoming) and loves to stand straight up in the middle of the floor

out of her bathring and supporting herself in the slick and sometimes unyielding bathtub

sitting in a booster seat at the table and absolutely loves to feed herself finger foods (no more pureed foods for this girl!)

one of Chloe's climbing escapades on the sofa

Joseph is going to a local preschool (omitting the name for privacy purposes)... He's pictured here with his teacher's aide and developmental interventionist on this first day of school. It's a great environment and he's in a class of eight with peers close to his age. It's a perfect fit for us! He's in class for two hours each week. This is his sixth week of class and he loves it just as much as the first day. Each time I pick him up he's still exploring the room as if I had just dropped him off for the morning.

First preschool artwork (and still on the fridge for our enjoyment!):

I love how the penguin's eyes are skewed...


Lacey said...

Jackpot! A new post! :- ) Cute, cute, cute! And....seriously....those kids are growing up FAST!!! Joseph's a preschooler & Chloe has turned into a little Miss! It's a shame you guys don't live closer so you and the kids could visit (or vice versa)! Oh, oh....I've got an idea....we could all meet at Sycamore Springs this spring! I bet Josh, Amanda, & Ollie could make it, too!

Amanda said...

Chloe will take off soon enough! Then you'll two to run after! Have fun!!!! And yes, Lacey, we will meet at Sycamore Springs. I'm itching for pretty days to get out of this darn house!!!!!!

Wolfe said...

they are both so big! Glad joseph loves preschool. Before long chloe will be running around the house too :o)