Wednesday, February 4, 2009

A 'Gripping' Tale

Four days into February? I find this next to unbelievable! Had I not flipped the calendar to February yesterday, I would not know the date! Where do the days go when you're having fun playing with two little ones, and keeping up with relentless house work?

We've had a lot of excitement here lately. I'll start with Chloe this month...

Monday, I decided to add a little bubble bath fun to the morning. Shortly after splashing bubbles and dunking bath toys, Chloe became very still, gripped her hands onto her bath seat, and twisted her face into a grimace. This was not the kind of grimace that told me there were not enough bubbles in the tub and she wanted more. Well, you could say that.... But, oh no! I digress.... It was more of a 'I'm going to poopie now, here in my bubble bath with Joseph, so you better act fast and get me out of the tub' grimace. I managed to swish her out of the tub and wrap her in a towel, but not before a little surprise plunked into her bath seat (thankful for it!), followed by a thud landing on the tub's ledge.

Bath time came to an abrupt halt for both, needless to say. The whirlwind cleanup coordination that took place moments later is baffling, really. I redefined the term 'multi-tasking' in the moments that followed! A mother with only two arms (yes, only two!) managed to hold Chloe-her business now finished, get Joseph from the tub unscathed, scoop poopies with several sheets of toilet paper, flush the toilet, drain the tub, all the while explain to a puzzled and shivering Joseph why bathtime was cut short.

Amazingly, I would not trade a bath time like this for any other. Call me crazy! It made for an exciting, unforgettable morning. I laughed through lunch and was tickled throughout the afternoon as I recalled the scene, with all it's commotion and haste. From this, I learned more about myself -- that I fare well under pressure (you can call it that!!) and can laugh at a situation that may leave another stressed and headed for the hills.

Now, if only I could grow a third arm....??

(Chloe, if you read this when you're older, I realize sharing your 'business' is not socially appropriate, but this is definitely a moment I want to remember. )


Amanda said...

My first reaction was to write, "how cute," but I quickly changed my mind. While not cute, you're right, it is a moment to remember ;-)

I get a big kick out of Ollie creating a little fountain every evening in his bathtub!! Then I laugh at myself for thinking its acceptable to then bathe him in his now tainted water!!! HA!!

Lacey said...

Ah, the joys of motherhood. The bathtime poop incidents are the ones that mothers forget to tell expecting or new mothers about! Your story (or shall I say rite of passage) reminds me of the time that I spent my 3rd anniversary scooping poop from the bathtub with a plastic spoon while Jon was spared at Toyota. One last word of warning: this won't be your last poop "incident." :- ) Infants & toddlers seem to have a knack for bringing poop into all kinds of unnesseccary equations! Glad you could laugh instead of cry!

Sarah said...

Yes, the joys of motherhood!

This is my fourth poop incident to date (well, besides all the dirty diapers...I have a few more under my belt); the first for me to blog. Joseph has livened things up several times for me; however, this is the first for Chloe. She's always grabbing at his diapers when I change him. It's pure craziness sometimes!