Sunday, November 23, 2008

Birthday Boy- Birthday Week!

"A mighty flame followeth a tiny spark."
~Dante Alighieri

Notice the 'paw print' at the bottom of the cake! Joseph was already into it!

(ValuMarket makes the best cakes!) Joseph enjoyed his Elmo, Dorothy goldfish, and Mr. Noodle figures... They're now active members of the barnyard, where Elmo loves to ride horses.

James and I feasted on this cake all week....and needless to say, it's now history!

Joseph is sharing a bite of cake with Mr. Noodle-- how thoughtful...and smart! ;)

I took a lot of video footage, so I don't have many photos to post from his little birthday celebration. He's lovin' the toys he received: a Little People barnyard set, a bop-it ball, and a police car and policeman set.

Joseph had his two year pediatrician appointment with Dr. Al, and we were given a clean bill of health. The nurse weighed Joseph on the 'big boy' scale--no more sitting nakedly in the bucket seat for our Little Man! He now weighs 25 lbs., which puts him in the fifteenth percentile for his weight (34" in height, 45%tile).

I'm curious if those stand-up scales measure ounces....or are ounces now a measurement of the past just like months? Joseph is now simply "two". What's a momma to do??

Dr. Al was very pleased with Joseph's progress, and checked off all the fine and gross motor skills for a happy and healthy two year old. Dr. Al noted that Joseph is still a smidgen behind with speech, but was so delighted with the progress that our little 1 lb. 9 oz. miracle has made! Joseph's receptive skills continue to shine (ask him anything!!), and his language and cognitive skills are anywhere from delayed. Kim, Joseph's speech therapist, is working weekly with Joseph on speech development and it shows!

Every day I give thanks to the angels at Kosair's who were there for our growing son when he was so tiny. We were two proud parents walking from the pediatrician's office with our growing toddler, and believe you me, I was giving many thanks that day!!!!

What a difference two years make!


Amanda said...

3 cheers for Joseph and his growing abilities!!! I'm happy he's doing so well. I forgot that we have a little gift for Joseph for turning 2. We'll have to get together again soon and I'll try not to forget it again.

Lacey said...

Glad to hear all the great news from Joseph's 2-yr checkup! He is a bright, happy little boy and I wouldn't be worried about the talking (I know you're not)--some full-term babies aren't saying much at his age! As all of us Mommies know, every child is different!