Monday, December 8, 2008

Humongous Joseph First!

Today, Joseph went to his first-ever playgroup..... no "Mama", no relatives, new and unfamiliar grounds, grownups, and peers.

While I attended my first local MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) meeting, Joseph had a fun time playing with his peers. This was a huge first for him--probably more for me, honestly! ;) He was eager to get to the toys in the playroom, and didn't even look up to see me slip out of the room. I briefly got acquainted with the ladies taking care of him before registering him for the playgroup. Then, I stood in the hallway for ten minutes watching through the door to make sure he was acclimated before heading off for some time with local moms. Another mom reassured me that he'd be okay....I knew that he would be- he's very social. The moment was more about me taking it all in and realizing that our little boy is growing up so quickly!

When I picked him up after MOPS, he was a little upset only because two other mothers had beat me to the room to get their little ones. The caregiver told me that he started to get a little worried when he didn't see me behind them. After much hugs and kisses, I got a great 'report' on Joseph that would make any mother's heart swell with pride! They said he was very nice to the other children and even gave one little girl her pacifier when she was crying. He has such a loving heart!

Here's a pic I snapped of Joseph once we were home and on familiar ground:

(Joseph is wearing his fluorescent sticker from his first playgroup......awwwwww)


Lacey said...

Congratulations-You lived to blog about it! :- ) I totally get the "standing outside to observe." Even though we know they'll be okay, we can't write it off that easily. We have to be CERTAIN that they'll be okay. Walking away from them is hard on a Mommy's heart & mind, isn't it? Not to mention that we know we are the single most important person in their world and we can't help but worry about them when they are in unfamiliar places with no familiar faces and we can't be there to guide them! It gets easier when they get older, of course.'s longest blog comment. Sorry. Last note: Did Joseph get a haircut? It looks really nice in his photo.

Wolfe said...

yay! that is great. it breaks your heart sometimes seeing them so independant without you. Ethan loves for me to drop him off and he walks into his school with such pride on his face. Of coarse there are teachers everywhere, so he can't go anywhere but in.

Congrats though. So glad Joseph did so good

Amanda said...

Geez, these blog comments are making me sad. I know I'll experience this someday with mine. Well, already I've left him for 3 whole hours and had the pedal to the metal trying to get back home to him!!! HA!! I know, I know, they grow up so fast.