Sunday, November 9, 2008

Discovering The Animals

James took Joseph on his first excursion to the zoo!

This was one of the last warm, beautiful days of the year, and what a way to spend it having fun outdoors. Joseph learned that the animals on his books' pages actually come alive!

What a great photo!
James picked the perfect spot for this father & son snap- directly in front of a favorite!

James had to keep Joseph from crawling in with the ducks! He really wanted to get under the fence!

Joseph was enthralled! I would love to know what this turtle is telling Joseph.... "Tell your Daddy to bring you back next year...."

And, what would a visit to the zoo be without driving the safari bus? Watch out!

"I've actually gone to the zoo and had monkeys shout to me from their cages, "I'm in here when you're walking around like that?" ~ Robin Williams


Anonymous said...

oh bet Joseph had a blast at the zoo Joseph is a big kid now he is already driving lol how cool did baby chloe get to go to or was it just Joseph and James either way it was cool hopw he all kinds of fun at the zoo

love aunt susie

Anonymous said...

You posted this at 6:45 am? I was up too at that time. I could have called you and we could have chatted a little... Normally Emily sleeps until 7:30 am minimum. But this morning she decided to wake up at 5:00 am and it took me until 6:50 am to convince her to go back to sleep. But then she slept until 11:00 am!!!
Love the pictures of your boys...
Did Joseph have his hearing test done?
Hope you all are well,

Leslie said...

really cute! Matthew could care less about the Animals when we go to the zoo- he just wants to play on the playground!